Frozen Niagra Falls

Below are some pictures of a frozen Niagra falls, taken in the early 1900's. Pretty sweet.

I recieved these photos by e-mail, without much history behind them. I'm sorry I can't provide more info on them.


  1. In the second pic you show (of the lone person) - is that Darth Vader and his light saber?

  2. No, but that would be pretty awesome if it were.

  3. I'm trying to make out where the 1st picture was taken. American Falls...looking north perhaps?

  4. I'm really not sure what perspective the first picture is showing. The e-mail I recieved with these pictures didn't indicate.

  5. I'm from the falls and have an old book with these pictures and more in it. At one point they use to have winter carnivals at the bottom of the frozen falls. It's not a dam in the traditional sense it's more like a big gate that directs water through a canal to the reservoir. It allows them to send more water over the falls in the winter than would be usual to prevent the falls from freezing.

  6. This pictures prove Al Gore is greatest politicians in history. He stands above Ghandi, MLK, Nelson Mandela and even Jesus Christ.

    We must follow him and his science and never question!!!

  7. Are you mentally free?
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  8. Great pics, but your year is incorrect. The water flow was stopped over both the American side & the "horseshoe" on the Canadian side of Niagra Falls on March 29, 1848. This was due to 'mini-icebergs' flowing downstream from Lake Erie which caused the flow upstream to clog. This is the only time it has happened in recorded history. The Falls did not actually freeze over, but for several hours the flow was stopped to the point where people could walk out on the riverbed.

  9. i don't have a profile on here so am posting as anonymous - sorry! i also have a pic that i believe was taken at the same time as these were taken. mine is framed and called Madonna of the Ice. I would like to know who had the book with the other pics in it and what the name of that book is so i can see if my pic is one of them. thank you!
