Shane McGowan from the Pogues.

Kirsten Dunst has bad teeth. It's like she never got her big girl teeth, or she was cursed to wander the earth with the teeth of an elf.

Tom Cruise has bad teeth. His smile is all gummy, his gums are all red and irritated, his two front teeth are like Chiclets, and they are off center.

Steve Buscemi has bad teeth, but he is a great actor. He has that one awful snaggle tooth. It's like that one tooth is British. The rest of his mouth isn't pretty, but that one makes me nauseous.

Mike Tyson has bad teeth. If you ever run into him, I hope you have had your tetanus shot.

Madonna has bad teeth. Madonna, it isn't cute, that gap is gross and unsettling. Grab some spackle and a trowel, and fill that sucker in.

John Heder has bad teeth. In Napoleon Dynamite the teeth fit the role perfectly, since then it is just distracting. Though perhaps it will distract people from how bad he is in every movie not called Napoleon Dynamite.

Hillary Duff has bad teeth. The worst part? These horse teeth are self inflicted. Duff used to have a nice, normal smile, until she capped them all.

Elliott Yamin from American Idol has bad teeth. Poor spacing, over sized, yellow, what isn't going wrong here?

Amy Winehouse has bad teeth. Yikes. She looks like a crazy person. Oh wait, she is.

Avril Lavigne has bad teeth. They would almost be nice, if she didn't have that one vampire fang.

Ricky Gervais has bad teeth. He is funny as hell, but his teeth aint helping him. Being British is no excuse, you still have to floss.

Morgan Freeman has bad teeth. It's like he has to inverse snaggle teeth. Instead of being big and sticking out, his incisors are tiny, and hidden. The orange hue isn't doing him any favors either.

Jewel has bad teeth. Is she super hot? Yes. But she looks better with her mouth closed.

Hillary has bad teeth. No explanation needed.

Since when do normal teeth = bad teeth? Perfectly gleaming white centered symettrical teeth are only created with lots of time and money. It almost never happens naturally. All
ReplyDelete(well MOST) of these people have normal teeth like the rest of us.
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I enbrace flaws and unique smiles. Look at Ewan McGregor, had the cutest mischievous smile, now he's joined the league of "Hollywood Teeth" smiles, and he has lost his charming natural smile. Why would a person look like everyone else in Hollywood. Fake, fake fake.... spending so much money on botox, boob jobs, nose jobs, fake lips, cheek and chin implants, etc. I'm more interested in the character and personality of people, than how they look....fake perfection blows. Be yourself and embrace it!
DeleteMy teeth don't look like theirs. Sorry, but that's not "normal."
ReplyDeletei don't know who you are, but you need some serious help.....if this is what you dwell on !!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm gonaa disagree and say i love john heders teeth, i think his smile is what makes him so cute. And i don't see anything wrong with hillary duffs teeth either. Amy winehouse,yes,does have bad teeth. She's the poster child of what bad music,england and drugs can do to ones mouth.
ReplyDeleteDid you just post this? Elliott Yamin had his teeth fixed over two years ago. Seriously, the least you can do is post current photos.
ReplyDeleteWaste of time.
ReplyDeleteThen why did you waste more of your precious time to post such a lame comment? Geez P-I-C-K-Y, Anonymous
ReplyDeletebad ? you must be perfect with a lot of money. some imperfections make people sexy - like Avril
ReplyDeleteAvril's are perfect
DeleteI agree I love Avril Lavigne’s teeth!!!! Their so hot on her
DeleteMan, I didn't realize you were all so passionate about teeth. TEETH. They are just teetch. Let's all calm down and have some delicious pie.
ReplyDeleteThose teeth are nothing. Have a look at that guy from the Pogues:
ReplyDeleteJewel looks better with her mouth closed? I guess, but she'd look WAAAAAYYY better with her mouth wrapped around my ...........favorite song!
ReplyDeleteShane McGowan from the Pogues. THOSE are bad teeth. And Hillary Duff's teeth look like alien implants. Or a sticker.
ReplyDeleteLet's see YOUR teeth...
ReplyDeletelet's exterminate normal humans and grow up machines or standarized people...
ReplyDeletedo you think standard and non personality pople are cute and perfect?????
i love Avril Lavigne's vampire fang.
It looks mine, and I like mine so much too.
Completely agree
DeleteYou are so dumb..thinkin u gotta judge all their teeth what tha hell do yours look like ??? yea u cant show them cause they look so bad ...Bitches I swear
ReplyDeleteYea avrils are sexy i have them too ...forget tha haters...tha point is she has money to fix them ..maybe if u could make the money she made we would care about what u had to say ..
ReplyDeleteOk, first, please use proper English. It's lame when people use "u" instead of "you" and "tha" instead of "the." You aren't saving enough time that making yourself look stupid could possibly be worth it.
ReplyDeleteSecond, I did not put together this post. You will notice that there is a "via" link at the bottom. So please, quit with the hating.
And third, this was a post mocking celebrities with bad teeth, not the average person with the same condition. If you are so sensitive about them, that you take the time to post defending remarks, you must really be effected by them, and not as happy as you claim. But really, there is no shame in them, be happy with the choppers God gave you.
If you didn't post this then why are you taking credit for it. Why would you even bother when someone else has already done it. And as for the grammar people can spell things however they deem fit if someone wants to say u instead of you who are you to judge them.
DeleteThose are just normal, THESE are bad teeth; Shane MacGowan of the Pogues.
Such a waste of time....
Yeah, this place is a time killer; especially when it tricks you into leaving a comment on how it is a waste of time.
DeleteYour brain is as rotten as Shane's teeth.
ReplyDeleteBurn! You got me!
ReplyDeleteThat is REALLY too bad about Hillary Duff's teeth. The pics here don't make it obvious, but I looked it up elsewhere and it's true, her natural teeth were so cute and pretty. With her new teeth all her charm has gone and she looks at least 10 years older. She looks like she's wearing dentures. I feel sorry for her. I'm sure she regrets her decision to cap 'em all.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I like Morgan Freeman's teeth (other than the aged part), and Ricky Gervais's teeth (again, other than the aged part). I like the shape and positioning of their teeth -- it adds character. Avril's teeth are fine too. And I kind of appreciate that Jewel has kept her crooked teeth, even though they might look better straightened out. Anyway, they look perfectly good enough/ healthy and all that. She's gorgeous as she is.
ReplyDeletelmao..yea hill's teeth dont need an explanation..xD
ReplyDeleteThrough the evolution of the human head, the jaws got cramped to make way for a large head. In the end, the smarter we get, the worse teeth.
ReplyDeleteHi there- I work at a wonderful dental manufacuring company that offers great products. One is LUMINEERS, a thin veneer that goes over your existing tooth without pain or grinding away the tooth. If you’re interested in finding a dentist that has access to this information and products, go to the link and fill out the information for contact information in your area. It’s amazing what is out there now. We also have digital photo imaging to show what you may look like with a whitened smile or with thin veneers. -Brenda
ReplyDeleteThis list must have been compiled by a spoiled middle school girl. I really want to know what kind of person put this list together though. I can't imagine anyone I know taking themselves seriously after posting crap like this on the internet.
ReplyDeleteLet's get Steve Martin on this list.
ReplyDeleteLOL I laugh at people's stupidity... Since when PLASTIC straight teeth are "good" teeth??? They're FAKE, that's why they look white as snow and straith as an arrow, DUH. Nothing in nature is THAT assimetrical and teeth have NEVER been THAT white. If humans keep lying and hiding their REAL sh*t, the weak minded will kill themselves to try and achieve that fakeness for themselves. Have a "good" life trying to save up your entire life to get all the fake sh*t celebrities get.
ReplyDeleteRe: "Being British is no excuse, you still have to floss." To start with, Ricky Gervais' teeth are quite good, as are most of the celebs you've pictured here. Some people have a natural yellow tint to their teeth which isn't caused by plaque or staining. Secondly, British people floss, and flossing doesn't prevent staining of teeth.
ReplyDeleteFinally, a lot of celebs either pay for special treatment (especially if they are going for sex-symbol status - have a look at pictures of Tom Cruise's teeth before Top Gun). Also, a lot of the publicity pictures of celebs are enhanced by software such as Photoshop. One such easy enhancement is teeth and eye whitening.
One more thing - the first comment was right: normal teeth is not equal to bad teeth. Some of the celebs you pictured may have unusual teeth (and a couple of them do indeed have some rotten teeth). But most of them have normal teeth. Tom Cruise has had his improved surgically, so they're abnormal now. What you're talking about is "perfect teeth" - perfectly aligned and perfectly white - which few people develop without the aid of dentistry.
i agree with nifty nick and his delicious pie.
ReplyDeleteplus snaggle teeth are hot.
The pie is a lie...
ReplyDeletefirstly british people do not all have bad teeth. i am british and my teeth are not bad all my friends teeth are beautiful. i go back and forth to the US and actually most americans i have met have had terrible teeth, stained, missing, you name it. its only beacause"celebs" have theres vennered capped etc they are "perfect looking personally who wants too look like everyone else same teeth, nose breast??????
ReplyDeleteOMG Avril Lavigne has BEST TEETH and her vampire tooth does make her teeths look good and very odd (on good way)
ReplyDeleteFool, you need help yourself. They are great, famous and their teeth isn't matter. So, I belive that I need bad teeth too...
ReplyDeleteAvril Lavigne and Hilary Duff both have normal teeth! Are you fucking blind? And Madonna's teeth aren't that bad. If you get grossed out by a tiny gap you must be really shallow.
ReplyDeleteBesides, who made you a dentist? I bet your teeth look like shit asshole
their teeth are reaalll nicee, wish i had teeth like that
ReplyDeleteAvril Lavigne is so beautiful and has a wonderful smile :)
ReplyDeleteso you see a bad tooth and think.. ooh it must be british?
ReplyDeletewell done bright spark, thats like us seeing fat people and thinking... jesus, must be american
That was very funny
Deleteoi, what the hell have you bloody americans got against the british, if you ever get off your fat arses and come to britain, then maybe you'd see that there isn't anything wrong with us or our teeth, and maybe you'd stop wasting your time making up stupid websites that don't mean anything!!!
ReplyDeleteGeez Amy Winehouse she would scare the shit out of Dracula
ReplyDeleteAmy is simply breathtaking
ReplyDeletemug article
ReplyDeleteWHo is this retard?
ReplyDeletewasted ...
ReplyDeletejust passing on this because i have bad teeth and was just browsing, i think you all need to get a grip ahah, i'm british and i love it, im happy the way i am, and your all just sad to say something like that about someones nationality, what a waste of time me even writing this, grow up!
ReplyDeleteum i dont have the best teeth in the world thats for sure and i really hate that someone can come down on others for having flaws. bad teeth does NOT mean ugly or bad hygene grow up a little and leave people alone
ReplyDeleteI like Madonna's gap. I mean, what does perfect look like? I think it gives her character.
ReplyDeletewhat a load of crap. i'm not a fan of either, but kirsten dunst and avril lavigne do NOT have bad teeth and a few other of the mentioned celebrities aren't that bad either. very few people have "perfect" teeth and it is OKAY that people look different.
ReplyDeletenobody's perfect..!!
ReplyDeleteI love how people bash each other because they can do it in the privacy of their own home where no one can confront them face to face. and concerning the argument about wasting time posting, we all clicked on this information about who has bad teeth so we all were interested in seeing these it or not we are all part of the problem. (including me)
ReplyDeleteThere is no need to pick on other people just because of their teeth. You could have teeth just as "Bad" as the rest of these people. And there is definitly no need to pick on nationality!
ReplyDeleteBeing British has nothing to do with your teeth so i dont see why you had to say 'Being British is no excuse' thats a load of crap. You've probably figured im British. And also, most of the celebrities on here dont even have bad teeth, your picking up every micro detail that people wouldn't even notice. No one is perfect so picking on them for having 'bad teeth' when they don't is just a waste of your time. Im sure your teeth arent perfect, just like everyone else's. In not a fan of Hilary Duff but i still think her teeth are really nice. So what if they have small teeth, a 'gummy' smile, a gap or if they're not 100% straight! It gives them character and is part of who they are, no one is perfect and to write comments on their 'bad teeth' is just shallow to be honest. Im sure your teeth arent perfect (not naturally anyway) so stop commenting on their teeth. This goes for whoever wrote this and whoever agrees with it! So yeah =]
ReplyDeletepersonaly i think all of you are ridiculous for taking this so seriously! im with nifty nick. its just good fun to joke around sometimes. everyone who is having a freak attack because you feel insulted that he would pick on people with normal teeth, grow up. you clicked on the link which means you were interested too. dont be so insecure and whiney that you can't handle a little funny blog post. just chill alright. let it be. if you dont agree dont waste your time on commenting. personally i think avril's and kirsten's teeth are fine and i'm am the most ridiculous lover of all things british(though they do have notoriously funky choppers) but im not gonna have a coniption because i disagree. well done guys. your petty argument was just picked apart by a 17 year old girl who was originally looking for pics to put in a scrapbook page of the day she got her wisdom teeth pulled. nifty nick, you post made me smile, so in my book, you succeed. -kc
ReplyDeletehi. im not guna fight im jus sayin i like avril lavignes teeth. and also u shouldnt say that "their hot" or "funny as hell" when your subject is teeth as well as some people dont have the same opinion on that. also r u like a dentist? well thats just my say on it :]
ReplyDeletei am a dental assistant named bianca :). i dont think there is anything wrong with avril lavingnes teeth. but if she got them whitened then they are probably heaps sensitive and hurt when she drinks cold water lol.
ReplyDeleteYou're kind of a douche bag if you say that Hillary Duff and Avril Lavigne have "bad" teeth. They don't.
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell do Americans have such bad teeth? Jeeze, it's horrific, they all want to show them off too, I mean you can see years of fakeness all around. Nature knows best, imagine if we herded all the wonderful forests of the world to grow inside square unnatural perfect angled fencings.
ReplyDeleteIt Was Fun Reading Over :D
ReplyDeleteI actually laughed. Many of them had perfectly normal and nice teeth. And what's wrong with vampire fangs? I have "fangs" and don't think they look that bad at all. :p
ReplyDeleteI think most of these were spot on. And something about Kristen Dunst teeth. The enamel looks all messed up. If I didn't know better I would have thought she was bulemic at one point and that's why her teeth are messed up. I'd add Miley Cyrus in there with her ginormous horse-sized overbite.
ReplyDeleteeveryone should stfu and enjoy the ugly teeth
ReplyDeleteI dont think these peoples teeth are to bad. I never care that much for teeth. Of course McGowans teeth are discusting but the rest of these people just have normal teeth. No Hollywood bullshit.
ReplyDeleteNow I would like to see the author's perfect teeth.
ReplyDeleteof course the author of this has bad teeth, but I'll have to agree than none of those smiles are pretty, (except Hillary Duff or Avril Lavigne, those aren't that bad) and c'mon they have lots of money, they should spend some part on a fucking dentist, because YES, teeth are importante, and even if a person is gorgeous, if the teeth are bad, that person won't look god.
ReplyDeletei dont care
amy winehouses teeth come from an addiction of a lifetime od meth.
ReplyDeleteLOL British teeth? the majority of people I know have good teeth, and yes you do get drug addicts and generally unclean people with hideous teeth, as you do everywhere in the world. Have you seen all the hill-billy or as we say pikeys in your country that do not seem to own and form of dental product? I think you Americans need to take your heads out of your arses the way you go on like your all perfect, HELLO, Jerry Springer anyone?
ReplyDeleteyoiu all just muppet imbreds, most of the people on this site have very nice teeth, i think your all just very jelous coz you all havce black horrid teeth. mingerrrrssssssssss
ReplyDeleteOkay, I can see how some of these celebs have some bad teeth, but come on. I'd kill to have teeth like Avril. Her "vampire fang" looks awesome and compliments her face very nicely in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteAvril Lavigne's teeth are not bad those "vampire fangs" look really good on her ! and lets c your teeth, bet they r not that god either !!
ReplyDeleteyea...i agree completely with MOST these pics!i mostly care about the hygienic part BUT if they are too crooked...EW gross, i started working in high school to pay for my own braces and keep them white by brushing and flossing alot. its about priorities!
ReplyDeleteWow, you americans are so obsessed with a totally artificial idea of human perfection, is it any wonder there are so many emotionally damaged plastic surgery addicts in your country?
ReplyDeleteThat's actually pretty sad. Some of them don't actually have that bad teeth, Avril's teeth are fine, Madonna's are fine, Hillary's 'WERE' fine, and Kristen's aren't that bad at all!
ReplyDeleteI know we all like to have perfect teeth but seriously not every one's perfect.
I'm a dental hygienist and I understand that nobody's perfect. HOWEVER, these people are making tons of money, they can afford to maintain their oral hygiene...of course your teeth are going to look like shit if you don't brush and see your dentist regularly, what do you expect? Brush twice a day, straighten them out and whiten them if you're not happy...oh, and don't forget to floss!!
ReplyDeleteOkay you fkn idiots. This page, this stupid collection of celebrity's and text mocking their teeth; who GIVES a shit? Oh you're British and you took offense? Well I have abnormally pointy fangs and I didn't take offense-- the author doesn't like em, cool, I do, but i'm not posting here to cry about it. Lol dbags.
ReplyDeleteRelax people. The people the author is mocking would NEVER GIVE A FLYING **** ABOUT YOU, OR WASTE THEIR TIME STICKING UP FOR YOU. They have shitty teeth. They don't care what anyone says though, so why would you? Idiots. Stand up for something that's worth it.
I obviously didn't read the whole comment list (seriously, it gets boring after a while)
ReplyDeleteI'm not against "normal" people, but hey, let's be honest, with aaaaall the money these people are making (you ARE aware of that part, right?) WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T THEY FIXED THEIR TEETH!!!
it's not out of shallowness or anything, it's just realism
and ummm... Madonna's teeth aren't fine
ReplyDeleteThey a normal teeth, like everybody, I sure the most of you dont have perfect teeth and you don't have to...
ReplyDeletePersonally I like her fangs in this picture
hahahahahahhaha this is sooooo stupid and a waste of time, and before u ask, yes i do have a life, the only reason why i'm on here is because i have nothing else to do, but its only a minority of them that actually have bad teeth like that guy from the pogues, and amy whinehouse, but the rest of their teeth are ok. and i respect the celebs that actually kept their teeth the way it was at first because that means they love them and i respect that, and besides avril's teeth are awesome and GAPS ARE CUTE AND WORKS ON SOME PEOPLE
ReplyDeletep.s. tom cruise 'gummy' smile isn't so gummy, WTF i don't even get that
Personally, I think perfectly white straight teeth are boring and scream "I have no personality!". I'll never get this american obsession with having perfect teeth. Oh well, to each his own.
ReplyDeleteI don't have great teeth, at 19 I'm going to have to get braces, but it's whatever. I'm insecure about them, and I would give anything to have teeth like Avril or Kirsten or Hilary Duff. But for some reason, my teeth haven't stopped me from having an amazing fiance, offers for photo shoots and compliments from strangers. I'm not conceited, but I'm not criticized because I don't have brutally white, ruler-straight teeth.
ReplyDeleteIt's things like this that sort of make me scared of auditioning for anything. I am a singer and feel I have talent but the unfortunate thing is the talent comes from my mouth and my teeth are the worst but not the greatest to look at. I wasn't fortunate enough to get them fixed yet. I just don't want to be on TV (my dream) or even audition for something and be the girl online who they remember not for talent but for her teeth. I feel like I'm held back from my dreams because of this. (not blaming anyone else, of course.) :/
ReplyDeleteJust saw this! lol! i have worked for a dentist for 19 years. Iam a hygienist. In my opinion, Hillary Duff's teeth look pretty good! Big teeth are very sexy and really "in," as opposed to little ugly chicklet teeth. The color is great too. However, my genius dentist boss could have done a better job. He masters in cosmetic work her in Georgia! He would have amde them a little thinner, not so bulky, and put some translucent emamel look in them instead of all opaque! Avril Lavigne needs to have that left Cuspid filed down! Easy to do! The rest just have poor hygiene and have never flossed in their life, much less brush looks like! Might be the reason the teeth are falling out of their heads! If Tom Cruise's gums are red, tehn he has gingivits, and doesn't floss!
ReplyDeletelove how brits say "arses" lol
ReplyDeleteDamn, don't you have life man?!
ReplyDeleteImperfections are what make people perfect.
wouldn't it be plain boring if everyone looked the same?
To all of you who are trashing this: if you think it's so sick/stupid/wasteful, why are you here looking at it?
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see your teeth, and FYI it's not Hilarys fault. She was in a car accident and had her front tooth broken. Splat that on your nice teeth, bitch.
ReplyDeleteBIG WHOOP! Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fucking celebrity, my teeth are perfect and I never spent lots of time and money on them, life the guy from the first comment said, DOOOOOUCHE!
ReplyDelete"my teeth are perfect and I never spent lots of time and money on them, life the guy from the first comment said, DOOOOOUCHE!"
ReplyDelete-Moron, (with a capital "M")
ReplyDeleteOk so this thread, this blog or whatever 'this' rant and collection of smiles 'is'... was clearly put together by someone who is very very very insecure about their appearance and has body image issues.
Welcome to the human race - we're all different!!!
Okay, first of all, there's no reason to make fun of people's teeth, and I think Avril's teeth are just fine!!!
ReplyDeleteHoly crap whoever made this is just judgemental and rude! And hilary duff's teeth aren't that bad!
ReplyDeleteLOL that's pretty darn funny. and who cares? it's not like they know these celebs personally. if they wanted to, they could stand up for themselves people.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but that's just normal. Some people are not born with the "ideal" teeth. If you were born with perfectly shaped, sized and aligned teeth then lucky you. :) Too bad these people with "bad" teeth are more popular than you.
ReplyDeleteHow superficial do you have to be to find Avril Lavigne's teeth bad? There's noting wrong with them; the same can be said for most of the others on here... shallow morons!
ReplyDelete...bad teeth are unhealthy, rotted teeth, not natural teeth. Not everyone has the time/ money/ obsession to spend thousands of dollars and years of their lives fixing what isn't broken in the first place. Cute, uneven, off- centre, crooked, gap- tooth beauties are natural and brave enough to not cave to the pressure to be bitter, shallow, and `perfect` like most celebrities.
ReplyDeleteEu acho que tu tens mas é uma grande panca em relação aos dentes!!! Se tu achas que isso são dentes ruins então coitadas das pessoas normais que não têm dinheiro para ir constantemente ao dentista!!
You are just so WRONG. Most celebrities on this list have completely normal teeth. Just because they're famous doesn't mean they're gods. THEY'RE NOT PERFECT, SUCK IT UP, BITCH.
ReplyDeleteOh, and just to be fair, I'd like to see YOUR teeth, hypocrite. I bet they are 10 times worse than what you consider "bad teeth".
OP is a faggot.
ReplyDeletetom cruise's teeth arent bad....
ReplyDeletei studying to become a dentist....
and when they taught us about a perfect arrangement of teeth during fabrication of dentures,my friends and i thought of his teeth....
and how well they are aligned.....
so its just purely aesthetics tat u hv based ur research on....
not the quality of teeth....
Amy winnhopuse teeths good but amy bad, my news.
ReplyDeleteCan I just say that being English or British has nothing to do with your teeth! I am American, but some of my extended family are British and their teeth are fine!!
ReplyDeleteYou CAN have corrective things done to your teeth, and some look darn right unhealthy, but teeth like Avril Lavigne, John Heder, Ricky Gervais, Madonna, Tom Cruise and Kirsten Dunst's are FINE!!!!! SHOCK HORROR because they aren't perfect.... You're saying Hilary's are TOO perfect because she altered them so now they aren't good....
What the bloomin hell do you want from people and their teeth??!! ARE YOU A PSYCHO DENTIST??!!
Amy Winehouse had terrible teeth and an awful lifestyle, but now she has died, so that isn't very useful and quite tragic.
Their teeth can just be whitened if needed, but other than that, they ARE AVERAGE TEETH!!
However, I agree with you on Shane MacGowen, Steve Buscemi and Mike Tyson's teeth because they should be sorted... however, I don't really care as long as they look fairly healthy (Mike and Shane's do not.... AT ALL) but it's their choice!!
Wow!!! You really don't have a life!! I feel for you, pathetic piece of uninteresting human being! Who in their right mind will cretic someones teeth! Get a life and get over yourself. BTW half of these ppl that are listed on here have enough money to get their teeth fixed, maybe they like the way they look, some people actually dont want to was thousands of dollars on porcelain veneers!!!!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I bet every one of you commentator haters have butt-ugly teeth. Quit you bitchin' and get some work done.
ReplyDeleteI am a dental nurse and can tell you all, that most of these people have perfectly normal, healthy teeth! Where I come from, an idiot who spends their time picking fun of other people, is called a bully!
ReplyDeleteThe only people who say perfect teeth are boring are those who have teeth worthy of being posted in the gallery above. Now go get some white strips, floss, braces or whatever it is that you need and fix those ugly grills.
ReplyDeleteJust because their teeth aren't perfect doesn't mean they're bad. Pls don't be such a jack-ass.
ReplyDeleteP.S Don't be so offensive to British people, screw you.
Tom Cruise? Hillary Duff? She probably spent more on her teeth than most people earn in a year. I can't stand those perfect, artificial photoshop-looking teeth.
ReplyDeleteTeeth are not meant to be #FFFFFF white. Naturally, teeth are a shade of yellow, not Hollywood bleached.
Turn off your TV Prophet of Perfection and get out into the real world.
O.K. I just read the whole comment list. I'm 10 and smarter than half you people. Inperfections(i bet your to dumb to even know what that is)are what make people unike(not the best speller).Any way if you don't like what he wrote why did you waste your time writing a dumb comment?I have "vampire teeth" wich are acctully called canines and i think there beutiful. Most of the celeberties have perfectly normal teeth. And Hillery Duffs teeth may be fake but i think there preety. I have to wear a reatainer and i hate it. Your lucky aunogh to not have one. So be thankful you do not have a hunk of meatle in your mouth!
ReplyDeletecalm down this person offending celebs is not offending us okay
ReplyDeleteA super shallow idiot and a loser would write something like that.
ReplyDeleteMan thats a lot of tooth comments
ReplyDeleteI don't care how old some of the pics are this really made me laugh!!!!
ReplyDeleteLouise (Madonna) Ciccone....I guess I see why she changed her name. That toothy gap grin drives me up the wall and at 53, she really doesn't turn many people's cranks any more anyway. Hang 'em up Louse!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm sorry but this is FUNNY. My teeth are naturally better looking than every single one of their rich asses! Some of them look down right FREAKIN' NASTY!
ReplyDeleteThis was written to hide the fact that your hideous, uneducated and a total failure in life yes?
ReplyDeleteyou forgot Anna Paquin... she's super hot but not so much with her mouth opened.
ReplyDeleteGod if I had all that money that's one of the first things I'd do, specially if I had teeth like them. My teeth aren't bad, but they aren't perfect either and just feeling them with my tongue and how they aren't perfect bothers me.
meh my two cents lol
ReplyDeleteAmericans has good teeth? O! come on. Watch the Jerry Springer Show and you'll be horrified. Why not also include the fattest and ugliest people on earth and no doubt the red necks will top the list.
ReplyDeleteNormal teeth are not so pretty anymore. How can anybody say that yellow colour looks better than white on teeth? And it makes me happy when I see a nice smile with nice teeth that are healthy, on their own places and white. Greetings from Finland
ReplyDeletethese are just normal teeth. fuck you americans piss me off get the fuck over selves and stop being arrogant,obnoxious stuck up perfectionist freaks. i swear to god one thing wrong with you and americans go ape shit and ridicule the shit out of you. fucking americans i can see why everyone hates you
ReplyDeleteI have bad teeth. A retainer in place of a front one, the other front one is chipped, one lower canine had to be extracted, the other lower canine is badly damaged and has to be removed. I don't have the money to get my teeth fixed...BUT I'm still going to be an actor.
ReplyDeleteHow about Anna Paquin?
ReplyDelete"Hey I'm Sookie, check out my redneck teeth"
I feel I must make a comment about Elliot Yamin's teeth. He is diabetic and his teeth are a result of the disease. He mentioned on American Idol how much he wished he could afford to have his teeth fixed but he could not afford it. After American Idol he was approached by someone that wanted to grant his desire to have his teeth fixed. He had them fixed very soon after the show was finished.
ReplyDeleteIf you really want to include more bad teeth then you missed:
Ethan Hawke,
Katie Couric
Katie Holmes
Lauren Hutton
Thank you, I just got braces and it looks really bad on me, so seeing that there are some teeth that looks worse than mine really made me feel a little happier. I know that it sounds wired, but anyway thank you!
ReplyDeleteBloody brittish, how rude! I am brittish and i have pretty teeth and they are naturally sparkly white i use good toothpaste so there! Too much obsession goes into teeth! Av's are hot anyway...
ReplyDeletethey can hear, and see what your visually thinking
The reason a lot of Asians have completely expressionless faces, segregate from everybody else-only associate with Asians and don't associate with non Asians that much, and are very unfriendly in general is to avoid accidentally revealing that they can read minds. If all over a billion Asians where to show facial expressions all the time just as much as non Asians, integrate and associate with non Asians much more, and be much more friendly and talkative, then a lot of them might accidentally reveal that they can read minds by accidentally showing a facial expression or dirty look when someone thinks, or visually pictures something in their mind they don't like, find astonishing, or funny etc because those people might see that and and really wonder what that was that just happened there and see the connection, and they might accidentally say something similar to what the person was just thinking and going to say. If they all associated with non Asians a lot more then there would be a lot more people around for them to accidentally show facial expressions when those people think things they don't like etc, so they segregate and only associate with Asians so there won't be anyone around for them to see that and have any accidents happen in the first place.
Every single Asian alive is hiding their mind reading abilities, they don't want ANYBODY to know that they can read minds, they will always deny that they can read minds, they will lie about having mind reading abilities forever!!!
Because they value hiding their mind reading abilities more then their own lives!
That's why nobody knows about it!
Try thinking, best yet visually picturing in your mind something absolutely crazy as you possibly can when you are around Asians, and try looking for Asians who give people particular looks, especially dirty looks for what appears to be for completely no reason, that is them giving people looks when they hear and visually see someone thinking something they don't like, find astonishing, or funny etc.
I know this may sound crazy, impossible and unbelievable, BUT IT ISN'T CRAZY WHEN ITS TRUE
You have to spread the message!!!!!
The world has to know about this!!!!!
I actually found this blog post while looking for girls with vampire-like teeth, such as Avril. I find that unbelievably sexy. Girls who have two of those... And large middle teeth... Amazing. Just super cute campire bunnies. Never had an issue with crooked or weird teeth, I find it adorable. Super straight paper white teeth, though, that is very rarely a good look. Especially people who had crooked teeth and had braces, the reason their teeth were crooked was because they were kinda too big.. And now that they've lined them up properly.. There's not enough room in their mouth, so they get a huge row of teeth going, like Dallas from Suburgatory.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of suburgatory, Jane Levi(tessa) in that show has the perfect mouth, her smile is super cute.
Yeah, people obsess about certain things, and teeth seem to be a major one. I've always had one of those Lauren Hutton smiles, if you know what I mean :) I had braces when I was younger which helped the most crooked of my teeth but I still had the gap and was self conscious about it. When I was an adult and looking to fix that final "flaw" once and for all, ironically it was the hygienist in the orthodontist's office who told me that she thought my teeth looked fine and that it wasn't really necessary to have anything more done.
ReplyDeleteI had crazy teeth before I had braces. I find it insulting to know that there is a good to bad scale in teeth. I consider my straight smile to be "fake" because it is unnatural. Society's judgement disappoints me.
ReplyDeleteAvril Lavine's teeth look fine. So do Kirsten Dunst's. Those chicks are hot. You're reaching there.
ReplyDeleteHillary's are yellow and decaying from all that State Dept. splooge she has to swallow to get anything done.
ReplyDeleteOmg lol
ReplyDeleteThose are all appalling pictures of them celebrities for sure! Why they couldn't afford the services for invisalign fairfield ct, that I have no idea. Maybe they're all to busy snorting coke.
ReplyDeleteThe funny part here is that these people can easily afford the best dental care in the world. It honestly makes me wonder how they can bring themselves to smile with those horrible teeth.
ReplyDeleteIf your a former boxer like Mike Tyson, I think you will really not care about your teeth. But this is unforgivable with the likes of Madonna and Avril Lavigne. Both are singers and people can always see their ugly teeth, God knows that can afford any dental care that is known to man!A simple invisalign in fairfield can really make their smile worth seeing.
ReplyDeleteSo many comments about Avril Lavigne. It is pretty funny!! Snaggle teeth are NOT nice, sorry folks. And by the way, quite often the person who has them bites the inside of their mouth. Avril was smart to take care of herself and get that tooth fixed. Besides, it really was distracting and didn't look cute or anything even close to it. You guys really haven't been going to a dentist regularly. Nothing wrong with Madonna's teeth though... what is wrong with a small space? I don't have one but hey, that is just too specific. And British people do have terrible teeth! Sorry but it is so true. So do Koreans and it has to do with have too many teeth for the size of the mouth. North Americans take out their wisdom teeth to make room for other teeth, which is why we don't have all that many people with crooked teeth. Anyway, since we don't have the millions that celebrities have, we have to do the best that we can!! SMILE! :)
ReplyDeleteI was kind of horrified when I saw the pictures. Why don't they get their teeth fixed. They have the money anyway? If I were them, I would get my teeth fixed nonstop.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know anything about normal teeth for some of them. And arrgh the comments are disgustingly offensive. I would like to see your teeth. I can't believe you made a whole article on this. Not impressed
ReplyDeleteIf we were to nit-pick every little flaw in our dentures, then we would all have bad teeth.
ReplyDeleteWell I'd like to say that I'm not happy with my teeth, and I don't have the money to fix them. Thanks for making me feel really bad. I should probably just not live any more, right?
ReplyDeleteWhat you think that making fun of other peoples imperfection's is cute. i dont think so. you probably just some spoiled little bitch. Why dont you look at yourself , and get a life. fucking horrible
ReplyDeleteAmy is crazy? Atleast she lived her life. You still need to get one of your own.
ReplyDeleteWill ferrell's bottom teeth
ReplyDeletemay be me too lol...
ReplyDeleteWell a dentist in memphis tn I know told me that there's really nothing wrong with having a bad teeth because that's the very reason why they are here right? To correct all and fix those teeth.
ReplyDeleteFor people who spend most of their lives in the public eye, I'm surprised how many celebs are in serious need of an emergency dentist. It's almost as if they don't have time to even brush their teeth anymore.
ReplyDeleteFirst to post in you should make a list of worst looking cuticles, hands, feet, stomachs, backs...lets just pick people apart and tear them down . Lets embrace being shallow. Lets be awful human beings.
ReplyDeleteI remember when I saw Matthew McConaughy in "National Treasure" on the big screen. His teeth were so unnaturally white I could barely look at the screen! Imperfect people are THE BEST! Too much emphasis on outward appearance - not enough on inner beauty and spiritual enlightenment. I suspect the person who posted this is pretty ugly... on the inside.
ReplyDeleteI think Hilary Duff has nice teeth, look at how perfect and white they are..
ReplyDeleteI agree that not every one on this list has terrible teeth but it still made me lol.
ReplyDeleteBUT all the people saying straight/white teeth are "boring" are just saying that to make themselves feel better about having ugly teeth. Mine are naturally large and straight and I only have whitened them with at home remedies (hydrogen peroxide which costs 98 cents) and I would hardly consider them "boring". It affects my entire face shape in a positive way and I get nothing but compliments.
Lmfao you British really get insecure about your teeth. And as a defensive mechanism you appeal to Jerry Springer and try to paint the Americans as having worse teeth and being uglier? Ahahaha how desperate! Britain is probably the ugliest nation on earth. Americans are famous for being overweight. But they are not ugly per se. They can lose weight and increase their desirability. British are famous for being ugly. You can't change that. Ugly is ugly. British are just cursed with having bad features (bad teeth, pasty or freckly skin, effeminate men, butch women, etc). It''s what happens when you are stuck on an island for thousands of years and are cut off from the rest of the gene pool. Inbreeding produces ugly people.
ReplyDeleteWhat's weird is that the people of British heritage who live in Canada, USA, and Australia are not as ugly as the people of British heritage who live in Britain. I guess the former are more mixed with other genes.
Those with gap between their teeth seriously needs to consider having implants. Forget about the aesthetic aspect of having a decent set of teeth, think about the convenience it can give you when eating those yummy and crunchy chips you hate but can't stop loving.
ReplyDeleteI had a good laugh and I took it as a joke, as it is obviously intended. The comments from offended people are funny too (though they don't mean it)If you don't wanna have this kind of fun,then go somewhere else or suffer.
ReplyDeleteThis has made me feel conscious very conscious :(
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the overuse of the British "bad teeth" stereotype? We actually have the lowest count of missing, decayed or filled teeth in the world. (
ReplyDeleteThe person who made this is completely shallow and ignorant, but whatever.
I don’t get it why I still see celebrities who has bad looking teeth. The only reason that I can think of is that some of them are on drugs. Drugs that can cause harm to our teeth like Meth.
ReplyDeletefyi, tom cruise knocked one of is teeth out just so he could get a role in the amazing film The Outsiders!
ReplyDeletethats what she said
ReplyDeleteAvril Lavigne's, Jewel's and Kirsten's teeth are trendy now in Japan. Rich girls are paying a lot of money to get their teeth crooked and kinda vampirish. They think it looks childish and therefore cute. It might also be because it looks more natural and unique than white perfect teeth. Now you tell me what's best, paying for perfect teeth or for teeth that came from but to us seem like they should go to the dentist. I think if I was Avril, I'd stick to her natural teeth cause one day everyone's gonna prefer them...
ReplyDeleteYou would think with all the money these people make they invest in a new tooth brush
ReplyDeleteHilary Duff and Avril are ok
ReplyDeleteHonestly, most of these people's teeth are ok, for example? MaDona, John, Tom, Hillary, there teeth are normal. If this is how u live your life and think about people's teeth, then your fucking weird!
ReplyDeleteSome of these people have bad teeth. Then there's Madonna, who has a little tiny gap between her front teeth, and ooh, that's the grossest thing ever. You are an idiot. Please, go rent a brain.
ReplyDeleteI'm an aspiring actress with not the straightest of teeth. They're no where near as bad as most of these peoples, but they're not going to get me a role in a colgate commercial either! My point is, I'm self conscious of them, and I googled actors with bad teeth to help me realize that no one's perfect and to show myself that it's still possible to be successful without perfect teeth, but instead I found this. A low life preying on celebrities who don't fit the picture perfect criteria that weighs on anyone in the profession! You should be ashamed.
ReplyDeleteI looked this up only because I am missing my adult caninines(vampire teeth) so I'm stuck with baby ones my whole life its super rare and tom cruise has the same thing but I think it is really pointless 2 b learning about the every day life of celebrities like it matters.who cares about their teeth.and one other thing I am American and I'm very proud of my country all u British need to stop being jealous of us and we r deffinently not fat well most of us and I'm sure British have just as many issues as we do
ReplyDeleteI like Avril Lavignes teeth, fangs are sexy and a sign of superior genetics; ie. meat eating vampire badasses
ReplyDeleteNice description which is given by you in this blog. Its provide a solution related to my problen. Thank you for this blog
ReplyDeleteVisit :- Dentista Low Cost
Cool! Not all people are blessed with good-looking teeth. Nevertheless, we still need to take good care of our dental health!
ReplyDeleteYou insult people with bad teeth. Then you insult people with perfect teeth. Make up your mind and get a life.
ReplyDeleteThis post is fucking dumb, seriously. First of all i see nothing wrong with most of these celebrities teeth.. if you think straight, white, surgical teeth is perfect youre a fucking idiot. Way to bring down society who choose to keep theyre natural teeth.. even ones who cant afford it. Even if they could afford it, who fucking cares?! This irritates me so much and not because i had supposedly bad teeth, even if i did WHO THE FUCKS CARES. These peoples is what makes them who they are.. and you want to change that? Not your body not your choice. BYE
ReplyDeleteI made alot of errors in my post and didnt put alot of time into proof reading, but if you want to call on that be my guest grammar nazi's
DeleteThis is surely a very good blog, thanks a lot for sharing such nice information here.DDS
ReplyDeleteI really like your blog it excellent. this blog is very helpful and informative. Thanks for sharing with us.. Straight teeth without braces
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing a great information. I have never seen my favourite celebrity like this. I think all these celebrities must have a dental implant in Fairfield.
ReplyDeleteI have seen a page on twitter called happysmileuk they had lots of teeth reviews. it was brilliant.
ReplyDeletehi, thanks for sharing.
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ReplyDeleteBethany Kapell
I used to have teeth gap. I applied Orthofill and it's very effective #howtofixteethgap
ReplyDeleteOrthofill proves me that I can trust their product. Really effective in closing teeth gaps. #howtocloseteethgap
ReplyDeleteI think Kirsten's smile is sexy as hell with those teeth. Somehow, they seem to go with her dimples perfectly. Also, Heder has good teeth, he just has that staining some people seem to get after having braces.
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Less of the English and British remarks, ive seen plenty of americans and candians with missing and yellow teeth. I bet whoever done this is trying to make themeselves feel better because they are hiding a hideous problem. Judgemental morons with nothing better to do.
ReplyDeleteI loved the dental work.
ReplyDeletestrongly disagree with The line Jewel has bad teeth. Man look at the bright & white smile. I guess you really need to know the exact meaning of bad smile. Must come to Orthodontist in Littleton .I'l; help you to get your information right.