Things that are Awkward to do by Yourself

1 comment:
Dining at a restaurant
Going to a movie on a weekend night
Going to a concert
Celebrating New Year's Eve
Playing Monopoly
Going to Lamaze class
Going to a school dance
Playing on a seesaw
Going to an amusement park
Going to a buffet
Minature golf
Patty cake
Making out
Football (American)
Going to a party
Going to the beach
A picnic
Coloring Easter eggs
An Easter egg hunt
Opening presents
Air hockey
A foot race
Holding hands
Having a conversation
Riding a tandem bike
Going to a water park

Some of these are from here, via.

The Terrible Taint Choke Hold

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USB Powered Chainsaw

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Introducing the world's first, and perhaps last, USB powered chainsaw, the i.saw:

Never before has a chainsaw been made available in such a compact and mobile form. Measuring no larger than the size of a regular computer keyboard, every effort has been made to ensure that proper grip – and safety – is not compromised.

Instant plug 'n' play. Zero startup time. Patent-pending technology allows for an unparalleled distribution of power. A first in its class. Works on PC, Mac and most USB-enabled devices.


15.2 x 5.8 x 5.1 inches
(385 x 147 x 130mm)

Approximate weight
8.2 lbs (3.7 kg)

Operating Environment
Home and office use
(Standard precautions apply)

Get yours here!

Thanks Fernando!

Price Reduction Fail

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Might want to double check the math. Not only is the "reduction" actually an increase, it is an increase of .02 not .01. Wow.


A Dizzying Dispose of Deep Fried Delicacies, Delivering a Difficult Dilemma; Do I Dare Devour Them?

All countries deep fry food, it's an easy way to cook, and it is tasty. Of course, deep frying food is also very bad for you. It is even worse for you, when the food was unhealthy for you to begin with. Is deep fried food terribly unhealthy? Yes. Would I try most of these anyway? Yes. Below is a deluge of diabolically delicious, deep fried dishes:

Deep fried pizza. Mmmm.

Deep fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich. For a more healthy alternative, try toasting it like a grilled cheese sandwich. It's pretty good.

Deep fried pancakes.

Deep fried Oreos. I bet they are good.

A deep fried meatball.

Deep fried Haloumi.

Deep fried yam puffs.

A deep fried Twinkie. I've had one of these in Las Vegas, it was pretty tasty.

Deep fried ravioli.

A deep fried quarter pounder. Good grief, that is a heart attack waiting to happen.

Deep fried pickles. I have made these, and they are outrageously delicious.

Deep fried Mars bar.

A fried Cadbury egg. Ew?

A deep fried peach.

Deep fried coke. I hear it is quite good.

Deep fried cheese curds. Mmmm.

Another deep fried Twinkie. This is similar to the one I had in Vegas.

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Goat Herding Monkey - Herds Goats, Unsupervised

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On a farm in India, Mani the monkey uses her own mysterious methods to tend dozens of goats without any supervision or training, according to the Associated Press. Video.

In a story reported by the AP, every morning, a worker at the Palagapandi estate in India, opens the door to the pen and lets the goats and their kids out.

But as they head to the forest to graze no human herder accompanies them.
That's because Mani, the resident monkey, shepherds the goats- numbering 75- around the plantation.

SOUNDBITE (Malayalam): Martin K, Estate Manager- "She takes out the goats for grazing and brings them back. A shepherd is usually required to accompany the goats all day long and bring them back in these hills. But because of her, manpower can be spared. She is as good as a shepherd. The only thing is that she does not speak, but otherwise carries out all responsibilities."


Why Bother Working Hard?

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Woman claims denture cream crippled her

Now she has problems throughout her body. She can't pick up her children like she used to, can't run, can't ride a bike.

Chapman blames it all on Fixodent denture adhesive cream and is suing Procter & Gamble, the company that makes it.

According to the complaint, Chapman suffered and continues to suffer injuries including zinc poisoning and neurological damages.

"We don't really know the connection but there is a clear affiliation because the denture creams do have zinc in them and they're higher in zinc concentration. There was actually a recent study that showed that the concentrations in the blood stream in patients that used denture creams on a daily basis was significantly higher than your normal levels of zinc, but it's still yet too early to be definitive," says emergency medicine physician David Soria, MD.
Ah, frivolous lawsuits. My question is, why is this woman using denture cream, if she is only 31? I'd say this woman has bigger problems, in the oral hygiene department. Brush your dang teeth woman, then they don't fall out, then you don't need denture cream, then you won't get paralyzed.

Seriously though? Denture cream crippling you? Doubt it.

Not All Things are Equal

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Door Fails

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I think the stairs are broken.

I hope you have good balance, and a lot of arm strength...

I'm so confused.

The view from the front porch is spectacular.

I can't reach the knob...

Then what is it? Quit messing with my mind!

Who needs stairs when you can climb those pipes?

Seriously, enough, my mind can't take it. It looks just like one!

Shut the door, I'm changing.

Watch out for the first step, it's a doozy.

That's one way to keep out solicitors.

One of them is bound to work.


Do not enter the entrance.

Push the button to manually open the automatic door...?


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Choose One: If Forced to Change a Diaper, Would You Rather Change Michael Moore's or Jorge Garcia's?

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If Forced to Change a Diaper, Would You Rather Change Michael Moore's or Jorge Garcia's?

If Forced to Change a Diaper, Would You Rather Change Michael Moore's or Jorge Garcia's?
Michael Moore
Jorge Garcia free polls

For more great polls, click on the link at the top of this page, or click here, to go to Do I Have to Choose One?

Pregnant Woman Does a Backflip

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funny animated gif

Is that considered child endangerment?

Nifty Rice Field Art

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Rice field art in the country of the rising sun. Each year these guys make new images on their field by planting rice in different patterns making various images. They use different sorts of rice for color. The result is amazing as you can see. It’s a pity they only last as long as it’s time to harvest the rice.

See more at Damn Cool Pics.