Spaghetti, white bread, carrots, a brownie.

A cookie, milk, juice, mashed potatoes and gravy, veggies.

Milk, punch, desert, corn, carrots, meat of some sort.

Cereal, milk, corn bread, bread, orange juice.

This is a fine mail in jail or out. Beans, burrito, chips, corn and more.

Rice, beans, egg, cucumber.

Two cookies, bologna, bread, cheese, mayo, cole slaw, and a mystery item under the cheese slices.

Cookies, cake, veggies, and some brown and white stuff.

At the Los Angeles County Jail, prisoners in solitary confinement with disciplinary problems every morning are given a single "jute ball," a frozen, flavorless ball of pureed nutrients to gnaw on or wait until it thaws to eat. Apparently, it's a punishment diet that is permissible.
ReplyDeleteBrown and white stuff = Rice and Beans.
ReplyDeleteLooks like an ordinary $3 microwavable dinner tray at a supermarket. Not bad
ReplyDeleteI was fed jute balls in LA County Jail for a while, and it was actually better than the regular jail food. It reminded me of Taco Bell, with more vegetables and a bit spicier.
ReplyDeletehigh in carbs and sugars , its no wonder the morale is so low in jail . I bet the officer chow is all protein and veggie .
ReplyDeleteDo they ever get breakfast Burrito's, just wondering.
ReplyDeletedose it tast like poop
ReplyDeleteUranus is my favorite form of birth control... giggidy!
ReplyDelete'At the Los Angeles County Jail, prisoners in solitary confinement with disciplinary problems every morning are given a single "jute ball," a frozen, flavorless ball of pureed nutrients to gnaw on or wait until it thaws to eat. Apparently, it's a punishment diet that is permissible.'
ReplyDeleteNo. according to the US supreme court, using food as any kind of punishment is unconstitutional. you can look that up easily yourself
That's really shocking! I thought the standard was bread, butter and a glass of water!
ReplyDeleteoh gosh I am goin to jill and I am so afraid. I don't wunt this food I odnt want it at all I think i m going to run away anny suggestions?
ReplyDeleteWoah. Lol this food looks great. Yeah maybe lacks protein, but still. My meals always consist of on thing. If i had just a little extra time this would be what i would make daily
Deletethat food looks nastty how could anyone eat that ? does it taste better than it looks ?
ReplyDeleteyes after about a month its pretty nice
DeleteWell getting out of jail it is nasty and I was only there 4 days due to the holiday and didn't eat. Drank the water and pieces of bread. Lost 14 pounds.
ReplyDeleteI spent a year in Federal Prison. I went from 245 to 180 pounds.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to eat good food, be good!!! I don't feel sorry for your butt 1 minute.
ReplyDeleteI just got back from vacationing in India and must say that this food is a lot better than what a lot of "free" people eat daily in third world countries.
You always gotta count your blessings...
Thanks a lot for bringing back bad memories! A lot of the jail food I was fed here in Minnesota emitted the most disgusting stench! Once I had applesauce, thought it was beef gravy. Tried dipping my white bread in it! Gross! Going to celebrate my freedom today!
ReplyDeletethat's not to bad im only 15 and im going there soon need some info on what happens any 1 tell me by email it's b_l_f_69er@hotmail.com thank you
ReplyDeleteI don't think they should even get that there eating better then poor people that haven't done
ReplyDeleteany wrong just down on there luck.
They can live off water for there drink everyday, bread, and beans. Don't need desert, milk, juice, and extras. If you do wrong you should not get rewarded for it. Don't need TVs, GYM equipment, internet, and anything extra. If your there then its your fault and YOU DO THE CRIME YOU DO THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO IT WOULD SAVE ON TAXES!!!!!
This is the fucktardedest think I have ever read, and I just wrote the word fucktardedest. You can't viable live on bread and water and beans, this is why they have these meals in place. Also, food is a way to control inmates, to mollify them and regulate violence. This isn't even touching on those inmate who are awaiting trial are are not even technically criminals. I hope you end up in jail one day mate.
DeleteP.S. Most "poor" people eat like shit because they choose to. I make around 20$ a day, and eat very well. Stop spending your money on bullshit and learn to cook for fucks sake.
If you are American and proud of it, then you believe in the constitution. And if you are Christian then you should know that NO ONE reaches perfection in this lifetime, not even law enforcement! Kicking a dog while he's already won't help him get back up! These pics dont show the bags the food comes in, with a pig on the front and with big bold letters state NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. That goes against the constitution of no inhumane treatment! And if you think they should be treated inhumanely, I will still pray for you that God will have mercy on you come judgment day
DeleteYou certainly are a cold unfeeling asshole aren't you. I don't give a damn what they've done; they deserve to have adequate, nutritious meals you idiotic Neanderthal.
DeleteFigures...anonymous!You sound like a damn asshole!If there's one shark left in the ocean I hope you fall in and it bites your punk ass in half!
Deletekinda good kinda not.... meat of some sort... WHAT!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'll munch on some spread with the camaradas and drink some fake ass coffee fuckit though it kept me up wen i had gallo
ReplyDeleteSureno por vida!
When i was in prison in New Mexico we ate alot of soy patties and powdered eggs. like in the morning it would be s.o.s. shit on a shingle we called it. Which was nasty ass gravy on some dry ass biscuits with oatmeal and a soy sausage patty. Lunch would be nasty ass meat with some beans and white crunchy rice. same thing for dinner.
ReplyDeleteYuck! I don't want to go prison
ReplyDeleteI mean it's not Sonja J. Queen's cook in but it ain't bad
ReplyDeleteI thought that most just have tossed salads. Some prefer syrup. I prefer a guy use jelly.
ReplyDeleteThough when you are locked up, there are some things more important than food. More important that water. Booty.
How can they stomach that shit
ReplyDeleteAre you sure the "Rice, beans, egg, cucumber" is prison food? Aren't the utensils in prisons non-metallic?
ReplyDeleteMy name is K
ReplyDeleteIts better than prison in my country you know..
At my country in the prison,you eat meal that called as NASI CADONG(CADONG RICE),the lowest quality of rice,a spoon of vegetable,and each day can be different,sometime rice+vegetable+boiled egg,or crackers(kerupuk/krupuk)corn,tempe or tofu,or some fried things..
i hope inmates get enough food no matter what it's like or are they always still hungry?
ReplyDeleteYes,unless they (the inmate) has canteen.
DeleteI 9 I hope I never go 2 jail. yeesh.
ReplyDeleteLocal jails often serve pretty good food. I loved it and couldn't wait for the trays. Great stuff. Some of it, now that I am in the comfort of my own home, I wish I had the recipe. And that from someone who's favorite restaurant is The Inn At Little Washington. If you don't know of it, you couldn't afford it. Never got to the state level though and don't think I want to just to sample the local lockup cuisine. But You never know...eeek!
ReplyDeleteThis is prison food????!!! No surprise to me. None of it looks appetizing.
ReplyDeleteI really marvel at the ignorance exhibited by some of you. "If you want to eat good, be good." Are you for real? Many people in county jail will walk away with dismissed charges, completely innocent of any wrongdoing. So you guys really need to think before you speak. Not to mention many inmates are in jail due to substance abuse issues. Sorry not everyone can go to the Dr Phil endorsed Origins recovery center. I was in jail for 8 months and the food was truly horrific. I lost 50 pounds. Things that weren't even identifiable, something they called veal but apparently it was really a soy patty, us inmates called it squirrel. Another thing I called also, it was basically everything from the week thrown into one condition; noodles, ground turkey meat, beans, onions, corn and sometimes chick peas. It was gross. The only things that were semi-decent were the hot dogs, chicken patty, turkey and chicken salad which they took the chicken salad off because the men were fighting over it. That's how rare a good meal was around there that when something good did come around fights broke out. The portions were so small too! No condiments either-no salt, pepper or ketchup. Commissary was a joke too. You couldn't even supplement because the options were seriously nil. No ramen no tuna nothing to even make up for a bad meal with the exception of peanut butter and jelly which sucked because I hate peanut butter, so if you are allergic or dislike peanut butter you are sol. Your left with overpriced crackers, no frills honey buns or no frills pop tarts as options. Its pathetic! No coffee, nothing absolutely nothing to stave off hunger. I get that its jail and its not tavern on the green or even McDonald's but if the meals tasted a little better and the portions were a little more substantial maybe the inmates wouldn't be so disgruntled and testy all the time!