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7 Dumbest Employee Mistakes
Emmalee Bauer of Elkhart, Iowa, was always typing away at her work computer. The problem? She wasn’t doing her work—or anything at all, for that matter. Instead, she was writing a 300-page, single-spaced journal about not working.

9 Active Volcanoes People Live Near
Pasto, which boasts a population of more than 300,000 inhabitants, is located at the foot of the Galeras volcano, currently the most active volcano in Colombia (it has been in a state of eruption for over 20 years).

10 Bizarre Smugglers
A German man was caught trying to leave New Zealand last year with 23 geckos and 20 skinks (a type of lizard) hidden in his underwear. A search by customs officials revealed seven different species of reptiles, plus a single gecko, in a rolled-up sock inside his luggage. On the black market these critters would have fetched around $35,000.

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