This toilet from 2-B-2 Architecture, is supposedly modeled after a modified raindrop. Looks like a lime green tobacco pipe to me. But either way, it is sure to add a feminine touch to your dookie blasting.

Some people plant gardens on their deck, others sunbathe, while a choice few drop the Browns off at the Super Bowl.

A two way mirrored toilet outside Tate Museum in London. Below is a view from the outside, and below that is a view from the inside. Stage fright anyone?

I don't know where this is, but the view is nice. Still, I bet they go through a lot of Windex, if my own aim is any indication.

This 900-pound solid gold toilet in Hong Kong. Talk about a royal flush. Almost makes you feel ashamed to make some turd gravy in it.

For the redneck on the go, the outhouse on wheels is the solution. Gives a whole new meaning to the term laying down a chocolate highway.

The Sao Joao da Madeira shopping center in the Northern part of Portugal has a bathroom decorated with female mannequins who lurk eerily behind the urinals. I wonder what the bathroom stalls are like.

For those who wish to turn a urinal visit into something wildly inappropriate.

Georgia Max Coffee chose to redesign the toilets of a number of key ski resorts in Japan. The cubicles were fully wrapped on all sides, so that the person caught short would have a ski jumper’s view when they were sitting on the loo. The person could look down at their skis (simply printed on the floor of the cubicle) and see the steep ski jump slope ahead of them. The toilet paper holder carried the only brand messaging in the cubicle, reading: “Seriously kick-ass intensely sweet for the real coffee super zinging unstoppable Max! Taste-explosion!” Now you can do some dirty squirties while skiing down the slopes.

Give some bling-bling to your next boom-boom.

For those who were never allowed to download a brownload in their mother's flower vase.

The disappearing urinal, in London, England. These pop up at about 10 p.m., just in time for the drinking crowds, and pop back down at sunrise. Beats peeing in the doorway.

At the Sofitel Queenstown in Australia New Zealand the urinals come equipped with pictures of women watching you pee . The women are outfitted with cameras, tape measures and other implements of male humiliation. Why? Why not?

Afraid of clowns? Too bad.

Squat toilets used to be the norm in China, and are still quite prevalent. You can imagine the difficulties associated with pinching off a loaf into a mail slot. Hope you have a good aim.

I don't know what's going on here, but I'm pretty sure that statue is holding a camera.

Another classy mouth urinal.

Add a little life to your bathroom with this live aquarium. The fully functioning tank fits American Standard bowls. Custom bowl installation is available. It was designed by Oliver Beckert and it features a 3/8" acrylic tank, 1.6 gpf., and 22" x 14" x 9" deep. Turd do you wrong? Leave it sleeping with the fishes.

The famous waterfall urinal at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, California. Now you too can pee like Tarzan.

A perfect toilet for the hunter in the family, or to anyone wishing to camouflage their pump a clump of dump out of the rump.

An old fashioned fancy toilet, from Westbury Gardens, New York. It's disguised as a seat. Smart really, that way you have an extra chair handy for guests.

A urinal from the "The Many Uses of Water" restroom at the The Kohler art centre in Sheboygan, WI. I don't know about you, but I have often said, I wish this urinal looked more like fine Burleigh china.

These make peeing a holy experience.

There's a high-end nightclub in San Antonio Texas that has one way mirrors looking from the Men's room into the Ladies restroom.
ReplyDeleteThe view is of the Ladies sinks where they fix their hair and lipstick. Most of the ladies know about the one-way glass and put on a little show for the guys.
Frankly, it's a little unnerving.
Wonderful! I want it!
ReplyDeleteSome of those potties make me wanna take a dump just to sit on them.
ReplyDeletesexy but weird
ReplyDeleteima take a pee in guadeloupe.
ReplyDeletethose toliets were very intresting.
ReplyDeleteha ha ha
ReplyDeletelayme u guyz dnt kn0 h0w 2 b3 k00l lyk3 me
ReplyDeleteThat's the best u can do
ReplyDeleteThe 4 urinals with the amazing city view, I think is the mens room at the Sofitel in the Melbourne CBD. 44th floor if I remember correctly....
ReplyDeleteI'd like to have the bling with the Royal Purple Regal high back chair Madonna had for Grammy Awards tribute, combined with a bidet, that'd be one Bad A$$ lavatory!
ReplyDeleteI visited a completely mirrored loo at a restaurant in Mallorca. Put me off my pudding.