
Help My Mother-in-Law Battle Skin Cancer

My mother in law was diagnosed with melanoma a few months ago and recently found out that she will need a year of chemo therapy. As a result she will be out of work with no money coming in. If you can spare a little to help her fight it would really mean a lot.


  1. My mother had melanoma, but they found it early, thank goodness. All I can spare are good thoughts sent your mother in law's way.

  2. You might want to suggest your mother in law some natural cures. My grandmother had a ovarian cancer and also was a stroke patient. When she was put on chemo her overall condition did not improve but even worse than before she started. When she was sent back home for paliative care my relatives gave her tonnes of organic fruits, curcumin ginger and mohagony seeds to eat everyday. She made remarkable recovery within the same month. After 13 years shes still with us today. God bless.

  3. I wish you and your mother all the luck in your battle against melanoma. The good thing is the early detection, your mother has a higher chance of beating skin cancer than in the latter stages.

  4. How is she now? You should also try your local government, the local politicians can help your mother financially. Also, try to get a cheaper hospital that offers the same quality of service.

  5. Posting this over the internet is already a big help for your mother in law. You can gather more information on how to battle with skin cancer to the people with the same case. I believe that with strong prayers and credible doctors could help your mother in law fight with this illness.

  6. I think it helps for your mom if she enroll to some yoga classes cause it'll ensure that her body is in good condition upon the therapy. One good way to make her recovery faster.

  7. How's your mother in law? It has been seven months now, I hope that she's doing well. That disease is curable, just always tell her to believe that she will overcome that. A positive attitude is essential to a person that is experiencing an adversary.
