
The Gender Double Standard

Oh so true! I think men are treated unfairly and we should stand up for ourselves. Man's rights now! Who are we? Men! What do we want? To be treated fairly! When do we want it? Now!


  1. I'm a guy and I agree that being so much under suspicion isn't nice.
    So here is what I think the cause is and what I see as the solution.

    If a woman sexually touches me without my permission am I intimidated by the possibility she could overpower me?

    Women are raped and overpowered and men that are assaulted by women are ashamed and silent. That threat and fear that women feel is what produces all the things the cartoon quite rightly observes.

    The solution is to remove the threat and the fear. I think if we are aware of womens fears and anyone who feels vulnerable and lso teach children and about consent and pay special attention to problem kids regardless of sex who display a lilikelyhood of becoming bullies, rapists or abusers, the problem will disapear with the fear.

  2. I won't lie, sometimes i think men are treated unfairly. (AND I'M A GIRL!)

  3. Well this isn't in every country. In many countries women are oppressed and have no rights.

  4. when I looked at this I couldnt help but laught a little, but it's true everything thats in here, and it's kind of unfair. I'm a girl and I can admit that this is unfair!

  5. Ok just a bit sexest there

  6. Its very unfair and one sided. I like women to be very sexual with men. I hope these ways change for the better soon.

  7. it can't be helped... women experiences in the long history was so sexually brutal, unlike men, and it just happens that everyone misunderstands... although i really hope to see changes

  8. this can no longer go on

  9. Well there is unfairness for both women and men.
    For example in some country if you egt raped it's your fault for tempting the rapist...
    It all depend on the country you live in and the morals of the people.

  10. The result of women fighting for equal rights...the didn't stop when they were finally equal.

  11. ... Men flirt with many women, they're machos, women flirt with many men, they're sluts.
    And should we consider a bit more about the differences between a man and woman when they hit each others?
    What about the salaries? They're not equal for a man and a woman with the same job.
    Cause the most I've seen from a girl when hitting a man is a slap, which does not send you to hospital. Shall we compare it to all the cases of domestic violence where the woman ends up going to hospital with a broken arm or something even worse? Don't fuck with me, violence is bad no matter whom it comes from, but if you are going to compare this kind of situations, at least compare them well.
    I am not a feminist and I find it ridiculous when women fight for small details that are not important nor meaningful at all, but the thing about violence... oh, no, puh~lease

  12. this is so unfair dude
    man needs rights to even if
    some are perverts others are just at the wrong place at the wrong time or it was a accedent!!! So if a girl abuse a man it self defense but when a man abuse a girl there evil heck that's just not right! Men need the same rights as girls
    and girls need the same rights as men why don't we share are differences and defaults and are upper hand rights together and make are world a better place. Like come on that dose not seem right and people look down on women while men are having it ruff out there with these rules over there heads like really we need to make are acconamy better. 'm just a kid so i cant spell a hole lot any way i'm a girl just to put that out there and if any one copy's this i will sew them no joke sure its a little bit out there but i'm willing to go that far trust me i'm not joking.

  13. i'm a girl too but i don't really care about women's rights or those times when those activists fought for things that don't make sense.but if you wanna compare,compare everything.yes there might be women who're sluts or brutal,violent women.but just how many men are disfigured from a woman's 'mighty' kick than women from a man's 'medium-stretgh' slap? men n women are created by God to coexist with each other in respect and love.btw,do you men out there really want to have the same treatment as a woman?cause you're basically telling the world that you sir are not a REAL man?

  14. I do believe this is highly unfair. (I don't feel I have to put my gender since both genders should be ashamed of this) Though, many men in the past have used women as mere sex objects or for giving birth. And you know, sometimes they'd kill them. Anyone remember King Henry the eighth? (divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived) And yet that was accepted because you know, he was a king. And yes, I'm very well aware that men are beaten by their wives, and killed them, too. Men and women have done horrible things to each other, and sadly, that's part of nature. Can't we all agree that women and men are treated unfairly?

  15. SO:
    would you rather abide by these rules as a man? or have a menstrual cycle as a woman?
    idk, I think it's a pretty close call.
