
Life Hacks



  1. Okay...coolest thing, ever! Thank you!! Going to bookmark this page and spend time memorizing some of these neat tricks! :D

  2. Actually the banana thing is unture. I tried it a few times with the last bunch....

    1. I use the banana one every single time. It's flawless. Just pinch the very very tip

    2. I always eat my bananas as described in the text and works great for me

    3. Yeah, works like a charm. You are apparently retarded Erin.

    4. probably blond^

    5. You have to PINCH the bottom end, not try and open it like you would at the stem.
      *smacks forehead* dumbass

    6. I like to start from the middle...

    7. So do I.........

    8. Erin intelligence is less than a monkey... I can't decide if that's sad, or down right hilarious.

    9. Wait, you're supposed to peel bananas?

    10. The instructions are poor in that section. It says to pinch the stem when it means the end opposite the stem. If you follow the directions as written on here Erin is right it doesn't work.

    11. Not my fault you're not an ape like the rest of us.

    12. that's how mokeys eat it!you guys are so weird!

    13. Haha its not that complicated. Just take the bottom of the banana, pinch and peel. Throw away the little black end that you don't eat and enjoy.

    14. A banana is the yellow one Erin.

    15. You guy are idiots for suggesting that Erin is an idiot. Go back and re-read the part about bananas. It says to pinch the stem - which does not work. She is right. The correct method is to pinch the opposite end. Other life-hack lists have included the *correct* method, sans the "pinch the stem" typo.

    16. OMFreakingGosh!!I currently have a cold and TERRIBLE sinus congestion, and I am amazed of how well #10 works, thank you world wide web!!

    17. A mere typo, still a moron, try to not follow the EXACT thing the text says. It says instead of opening it at the stem, open it at the stem. Any fool could see that it's a typo and use their presumed braincells to correct it themselves.

  3. I would strongly suggest removing the advice on cheap "propecia" for hair loss.
    The company is currently in a class action muluti-country law suit because a side effect to something like 2-3% of men lose their sex drive, making them basically a unic (many for life).
    I know someone who is in that situation, and he would give anything in the world to have his life back. I think advising people to use it (such as in this web page) is morally very irresponsible.

    1. Have to agree with you on that one. It's not a good idea to advise people to misuse prescription drugs.

    2. losing your sex drive doesn't make you a eunuch, DUMB

  4. They took out a few of the silly ones, such as one that says "To get a job as a beer taster and video game player: On birth enter the Konami code"

  5. The banana thing works, are you sure you are doing it right? Maybe check out a you tube video to make sure.

    after all 6 billion monkeys can't all be wrong can they?

    1. Only monkeys do not normaly peal bananas. They have picked this behaviour up from humans in some cases. I.e. a documentary years ago with Jane Goodall pointing this out. The chimps she observed did not peal bananas but ate them whole until they had observed her doing so for quite some time.

  6. Good Hack..useful when I get stuck in the elevate full of people. .

  7. Great article...My favorite is the "Get out of the house in time" hack.

  8. A few useful ones but the elevator one just makes you a dickhead, and why the hell would you want to spend more time with an annoying customer?

    1. Haven't you ever pressed the wrong elevator button? Or gotten on an elevator after a little kid pressed every button? And the credit machine trick is aimed towards a customer *behind* you in line, so you're long gone while they sit there. Of course, it is cruel to the cashier or to anyone behind them in line.

  9. you're not pressing hard enough, works every time for me lol

  10. Well, Erin, you're a woman, thus, cannot do anything right.

    1. this comment suggests that you are single and have a tiny dick. Am I right? yep. already knew I was (:

    2. ^ someone's obviously new to the Internet. Get back in the kitchen toots.

    3. Good for you, getting away with that comment anonymously on a Lifehacks post-- you must be an Internet veteran.

    4. HA! Tiny dick!

  11. Domestic hacks #3 will not work if you live alone or if the whole family decides to leave the house. How do you set up the chain lock and place the rubber band from the outside of the door?

    1. If your actual door is locked but the chain lock is in use, you can open the door and easily access the inside chain lock.

    2. And doesn't this defeat the purpose of the chain in the first place?

  12. Actually banana trick works just fine - there's a small air bubble at the bottom that allows you to open easier from the bottom without squishing the banana.

  13. Unlock a chain lock from the outside? Who wants to do this, doesn't it defeat the purpose of the...ya know, lock?

    1. Maybe it's meant to be done in case you're a burglar or stalker and want to open the door from the outside, but then in that case if you can go through the trouble of doing all that you'd probably be able to just move the chain itself

    2. Number 10 of the health ones is what we doctors technically call complete and utter bollocks. Anatomically impossible. In order to rock your vomer you would need at least 2 major skull fractures - and it stll wouldn't affect your sinus drainage.

    3. Woo Hoo!! I must be learning something in A&P, because I actually know what a vomer is :)

  14. Anonymous of February 1, you must be hanging around the wrong women.
    Anonymous of February 8, you are mean.

    1. From woman to woman. If you really thing we do everything right. you are sadly mistaken. You must be that spoiled brat that no one like.

  15. Some of these things are just cheating, though. I don't think I would like someone who lies to get a free charger!

    1. As a hotel employee, I can say with all confidence that you can just go in, tell the truth, and ask to look through the box of chargers.

  16. The hair loss advice is no good. My dermatologist wouldn't allow me to go near Propecia because the active ingredient Finasteride can make you impotent, possibly for life! Instead he recommended using a topical DHT blocker because it goes directly to the source (the hair) and doesn't effect what's going on with your testes. I personally use AndroShield which I found on, but other topical formulas also work from what I've researched...

  17. The "Extra Batteries" info is completely untrue.

    1. I agree. it does not work it does have smaller batteries in it but the batteries are too short for AAA.

  18. the 'extend a remote'' works, i used it for my car remote starter, it would get about 600-700 feet distance to start my car, I tested it at work, i was parked about 1,000 feet, pointed directly - would'nt work, put it under my chin - car started. it also works with your hand, open your fingers like a parabolic dish, point the palm at the car (that is beyond the tested range ,ex.1,000 feet) and point your remote between the hand and the wrist (touching the skin) and the car starts. these two methods were given to me by a friend mid-1990's, and i was scheptical, didn't try it in front of him, but tested it with the huge parking lot at work multiple times, and sure enough, was glad to see the head lights come on, on those cold winter nights, get into my car nice and warm,.... test it youl'be surprised!


  20. Literally all these are for retards, except the banana one that's sweet, this is how the list should go
    1.dont be stupid peel a banana start from the other end
    3.FREE PORN 2-2-1 down arrow ok

    1. That isn't true, some are for people who are slow or disorganized in the morning. The rest are tricks to get stuff done faster. Usually these are tricks no one knows so it makes sense to put them up.

  21. If you can reach the inside of a door well enough to place a rubber band on both the chain and the doorknob, then you can reach it well enough to just unhook the chain with your hand. And how many residential doors have that long bar-style doorknob, anyway (not to mention how difficult it would be to get a rubber to stay on the end of it without moving in towards to center of the doorknob)? Seriously, how is this even a suggestion?

  22. U can't unhook it with the door cracked because its not long enough. Rubber band trick works great!

  23. very nice hack a better hack is if you need nursing test banks you go here

  24. The sneezing one will only work for 18-35 percent of us. In order for it to work, you need to have a condition called the photic sneeze reflex. I am, unfortunately, one of those afflicted with this terrible disease.

  25. This is the chit!! I'mma try AT LEAST one of these things! So awesome ^^
