
25 Unique Pairs of Cufflinks

For those of you that may not know, a cufflink is a decorative "button" worn to fasten the two sides of the cuff on a dress shirt.

Before cufflinks, people tied together with their cuffs with "cuff strings." Seriously, they did.

During the reign of Louis XIV that shirt sleeves started to be fastened with boutons de manchette, or "sleeve buttons," usually pairs of colored glass buttons joined together by a short, linked chain.

By the 1700s, simple buttons gave way to decoratively painted or jeweled studs, typically diamonds, connected by ornate gold links; hence was born the cuff "link."
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


  1. wow! these cuff links are so interesting! would never have expected most of these to have existed (ok this is a weird sentence i don't know how to fix right now -__-)

  2. WOW, those first cufflinks are awesome. They look like they have been created from the insides of a watch or something like that.

  3. Love the bacon and eggs! They would certainly liven up the meeting.

  4. Wow, they are soo cool. My sister and her boyfriend have an online Cufflink shop in New Zealand. I am sure they would love to stock all of these!

  5. Lighter cufflinks... How very James Bond. Would be fun to have
