
22 World War II Posters



  1. Nice wartime propaganda posters.

  2. Too bad the people in this country will never know the feeling.

  3. The good ole days!

  4. I am so glad that generation answered the call! So that you can type your comments without fear of prosecution from your government.

  5. That generation never questioned if what they were doing was going to "Get them something" they did whaty they had to do because it was the right thing to do!

  6. matter what, it is still the right thing to do.
    Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing
    Beirut US Embassy Bombing

    There is a reason there are no "propoganda" posters today. It's not popular and interferes with the Political Machine in Washington. They would rather keep mum about the whole thing.
    The war is different but the cost of losing is the same.

  7. "There is a reason there are no "propoganda" posters today."

    Actually, there are tons still. They are in the places where they count. On military bases, where leaked intelligence to the masses can do the most harm.

  8. what about the internment of japanese americans. Did they get their freedom when they were incarcerated. What about the chinese in chinatown? Did they get their freedom during the cold war. What about the African Americans did they get their freedom to serve equally. Its all propaganda. They say they are fighting for freedom when during that time, people in its own country didnt have freedom.

  9. "what about the internment of japanese americans. Did they get their freedom when they were incarcerated. What about the chinese in chinatown? Did they get their freedom during the cold war. What about the African Americans did they get their freedom to serve equally. Its all propaganda."

    God, you're a bloody genius aren't you? Of course it's all propaganda! These are propaganda posters designed to instil a fighting spirit in the home population. Why on earth would you remind your own people that things really aren't that dandy when you're fighting a war?!

  10. I don't want to involve myself in any heated discussions, but Anon (06/28) does make some valid points. Of course, it is all propaganda.

  11. that was truly a great generation but lets not forget this: we have a VOLUNTEER force fighting on or behalf right now. there's lots of talk these days of how bad the current generation of young Americans are.i submit to you that all you have to do is look at our young men and women in uniform to see that this country is still in good hands. this is who we Americans are. we step up when asked. we are blessed in this country because of men and women like them. to insinuate that our soldiers in harms way are there for personal gain is ridiculous at best..more like down right ignorant. last time i checked, the military wasnt paying extravagant salaries and most will come home to difficulties you civilians can only try to imagine or will allow your hollywood "hero" depict for you. and lets not forget the unemployment rate these returning true life heros have waiting for them.
    so the next time you choose to throw dispersions at our current generation, ask yourself what it would take for you to step up and voluntarily place yourself in mortal danger. do you even have anything worth dying for?

  12. Well said, 'anonymous'!!!
