
How to Catch a Deer

I had these pictures forwarded to me the other day.

Scott Nelson and his Sons were fishing Saturday when this small Whitetail fawn approached them on the South fork of the Snake River. It must have spent the summer bumming from campers or maybe one the home owners in the lower canyon was feeding it so it lost its fear of humans.

Keep in mind it's only cute until you get ticks and mouth herpes from having it eat from your mouth. Also lyme disease. Ever heard of it? Yeah, lyme disease, deer ticks carry it. Sucks. Look it up.


  1. and don't be a dork - the deer is in more danger from man (especially because you or your buddies are feeding and encouraging it) than man is from a small antelope. Puhleeze. Lyme disease. You Yanks or Canadians or whatever all live in a sanitised environment. Sorry.

  2. Don't be a dork? That's my modus operandi. Sorry, to late to change. Second, they are not my buddies, you'll notice that the pictures were forwarded to me by e-mail. Third they are and I am a "yank." And finally, in addition to being quite sanitary here in the USA, we are also quite fond of sarcasm, which is vividly on display in the discussion of lyme disease. Simmer. And finally, thanks for pointing out my spelling error. Leave it to the British to preserve the Queen's English. Long live the queen.
