
Hospital Food From 11 Different Countries

Here is some hospital food from 11+/- different countries. Hospital food doesn't have a very good reputation, but some of this looks really tasty. Please forgive me if I have mislabled something.

When my wife was in the hospital, after giving birth, they would bring in a big tray, all the items were covered, and there was a card listing everything on the tray. She ate very well, and I lived off crackers and the occasional meal from the cafeteria.

USA. Meat, mashed potatoes, apple sauce, milk, coke, dessert.

Spain. Fish, rice, baguette, dessert.

England. Sandwich, hard boiled eggs, tea, fruit, soup.

Japan. Soup, oranges, bread.

The Netherlands. Chicken, soup (gravy?), mashed potatoes, vegetable.

USA. Chicken, fries, green beans, cookies, a roll, coffee.

Australia. Weet-Bix, banana, rice, roll, fruit.

Hushan, China. Rice, and egg, meatballs, veggies, soup.

Japan. Veggies, soup, rice, tea.

USA. For those on a strict diet. Meat, cheese, bread, veggies, butter.

Chicken, veggies, salad, chocolate cake. I want this one.

Japan? Fruit, fish, rice, veggies.

Japan? Veggies, meat, rice, salad.

Japan? Fish, rice, veggies, tea.

USA. Bread, jam, yogurt, apple juice, broccoli, mashed potatoes, chicken.

USA. Veggies, mashed potatoes, fruit cocktail, yogurt, apple juice, soup, bread, butter.

France. Meat, squash, salad, baguette, desert. Yum.

Greece. Meat, veggies, salad, desert and more. Looks great.

Germany. Bread, cheese, jelly, potatoes?, meat?.

USA? Soup, crackers, veggies, meat, potatoes.

USA. Soup, beef, carrots, potatoes, milk, muffin, bread.

A nurse with a prepared tray of food.

Argentina. I'm not entirely sure, but it looks delicious. Those look like eggs wrapped in sausage, marinara type sauce, perhaps.

USA. Chicken, potatoes, roll, carrots, apple sauce, soup, mashed potatoes, coffee.

Japan? Spinach, rice, chicken, oranges, soup.

This, isn't the USA, I'm not sure where it is. Coffee, bread, noodles with gravy.

A rather attractive woman with some chicken, potatoes, veggies, roll, cake, water.

I don't know where this is from. Fries, cake, lasagna perhaps. Looks good.

I don't know where in Asia. Fish, rice, veggies, tea, soup.

USA. Corn, peas, mashed potatoes, meat, an apple, salad.


  1. ---Argentina. I'm not entirely sure, but it looks delicious. Those look like eggs wrapped in sausage, marinara type sauce, perhaps ---
    The wrapped eggs are: chicken roll stuffed with eggs and some vegetables, sauce is kind of marinara but not that sweet and the small yellow stuff is baked potatoes

  2. I'm an Australian and I can guarantee you don't get food that good. You get crappy jelly, and some other crap that's crap. If you want good food you get your family or friends to bring it in.

  3. German potatoes are definitely spaetzle

  4. The ones with cake are probably new moms. They gave my sister a giant piece of cheesecake after she had her daughter.

  5. The "I don't know where in Asia" one, the writing on the label thingy on the left is definitely in Japanese.

  6. The German "taters" look like herring chunks.

  7. My uncle was in the cardiological hospital in Bordeaux, and they fed him very well. Soup lady comes around first, then they fed him bread and cheese and roast beef! ha

  8. The sixth one down...that's penne pasta not fries

  9. No 20. USA? Soup, crackers, veggies, meat, potatoes.

    I would probably say that is from the England. The blankets, water jug and chair (just visible in the top right) all look like NHS standard issue.

  10. I wish I had taken a picture of my last hospital meal, at Baptist Hospital in Jacksonville following my neck surgery: two huge pieces of delicious fried chicken, french fries, garlicky texas toast, mashed potatoes with peppery gravy, a salad of baby greens, and a slab of chocolate cake. Absolutely no complaints at all, in fact it was better than many restaurants in this town.

  11. I'll have the attractive can keep the food on the tray.

  12. Second to last is from Japan. The receipt is written in Japanese.

  13. I spent a week in Hornsby hospital (Australia) last year and lost five kilos - the food was so awful I just stopped eating. Cold boiled everything. Cold boiled pumpkin that was still frozen in the middle, served with cold boiled bean mash.

    The day nurses were lovely and I was doped up on so much morphine I didn't care, and sure, losing weight was good, but I have never seen such awful food.

  14. Argentina: this is matambre, a clasic dish from Argentina. A flan steak stuffed with carrots, hard boiled eggs, peas red bell peppers and grated cheese. The word matambre comes from mata hambre, literally "kill hunger"

  15. The German "jelly" pack is actually remoulade- which is more or less spiced up mayo.

  16. I'm all for england! God save the queen lolololololol

  17. I am a nurse and I have my own conspiracy theory....The awful food and plastic sheets that make you sweat are a ploy to get your ass out of the hospital.

  18. I'm aussie as well, and thats eggs (scrambled, cold) not rice. Breakfast is the only eddible meal they give you, because you can get cereal and toast (which will be cold) and fruit. also juice. Lunch and dinner... :( makes me sad.

  19. Well come to see finnish hospital food.

  20. English looks best :P hungry :(

  21. In finnish hospital you'll get meatsoap without any meat and yoghurt.

  22. LOL, the us is the only country on the list where you have to pay for the grub, almost every other country on the list has free healthcare, so the treatment and the food is completely free.

  23. LOL, yeah, that's funny how we have to pay for GOOD healthcare, at the BEST hospitals, for the BEST doctors. And how, since we can choose our own doctors and treatment, can see the doctor whenever we want. Man that sucks! I wish we got crappy socialist medicine, that way I wouldn't have to do anything! Screw free will, who needs it! Right?

    1. Yeah, it's funny how here in the US people who can afford it get great healthcare at the best hospitals, and the people who are forced to live in poverty (yes, forced, and if you believe differently, then you've never been one of the actual poor in this country) get the worst healthcare at dangerous "hospitals" or have to forgo healthcare at all. It's absolutely hilarious.

  24. Here is some hospital food from 11+/- different countries. Hospital food doesn't have a very good reputation, but some of this looks really tasty.

  25. It's amazing how much this simple meal suggests about each country's cuisine and taste profiles. Fascinating!

  26. The Dutch 'soup(gravy?)' is actually a cream sauce for meat. Sadly, it doesn't make the meat taste any less like cardboard.

  27. I've stayed in both public and private hospitals (many times) in Australia. In the public ones the food wasn't the best but certainly wasn't too bad. I guess it depends on what's wrong with you and what you are allowed to eat. In the private hospital, the meals were like something you'd get in a restaurant. Everything was "chef" cooked, looked good, tasted awesome etc. I had HBF (health insurance) so the food was covered in the total cost which my health insurance paid most of. Great page btw :)

  28. I can tell you from working in a hospital kitchen in the United States, that hospital food is not bad at all. People overreact and overexaggerate when it comes to the hospital food. Before I i started working in the Kitchen as an Nutritional/ambassador service Aid....I heard things all my life about how hospital food is GROSS, and it isnt real....blah blah blah. I would NOT lie. HOSPITAL food is yummy. Yes the cooks sometimes have to cook it a certain way and have to limit the ingredients they put in it for people's diets....But you get all your pepper, salt, creamers, margerain/butter and other things that you can use to give your food a different taste. :) I have eaten many different foods from the hospital that I work it, and I LOVE IT. The people who are eating the hospital food, are patients. Yes there is a cafeteria for family...But the food that I deliver to people, are sick and their taste is imparied from medication or for the very reason that they are SICK. When you are sick...things taste different. :)Fun right? So please dont make assummptions about hospital food. The cooks dont make terrible food. hard working people...just like you and I. :D

  29. Hi, am I the only one that noticed that dessert is supposed to be spelled with two s's. Desert is a dry, barren land.

  30. I like the part where you think pasta are fries

  31. This one's Korea:


  32. The Chee Cheong Fun was from
    I found it in my bid to find good hospital foods.

  33. the one with coffee, plain water, bread & you so called it noodle with gravy is from singapore. For your information, the thing with gravy is not noodle, its made of rice flour, usually served with chili & sweet sauce to add taste to it. It is called Zhu Chang Fen (Steamed rice roll)

  34. Can I use the pic of the Australian tray of weetbix (pic #7) for a nursing assignment on malnutrition in Australian hospitals???) would be most appreciative!!!!!

  35. Sooo, you're saying that all the doctors, etc., the medical technology all come for free in those blessed nations with "free" health care. Then why do I pay C$1 extra for every gallon of gas I buy in Canada?

    Maybe single-payer "free" health care is better than what the thick Americans have now, but it is never free.

    Nothing is free, except love.

  36. Why so many hospital stays in so many countries?

  37. "USA. Chicken, fries, green beans, cookies, a roll, coffee."

    Those fries are pasta

  38. The one which you captioned "not from the USA" is actually chee cheong fun and the hospital is Gleneagles in Singapore. It's rice noodles with sweet sauce and people here usually eat it for breakfast or tea. The drink looks like Milo not coffee but I may be wrong.

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  41. Several descriptions are wrong. Credibility gone. Fries? Looks like pasta to me.

    1. And why do you feel the need to mention the woman's looks? You're disgusting.
