
Unique Staple Removers

So I had no idea that you could remove staples with something besides your teeth. Apparently they sell all sorts of fancy staple removers. So give your choppers a break, and use one of these instead!

I don't know if these are pelicans or dinosaurs, but they sure are colorful. Great way to tell the office you are no longer in the closet.
Another great, "yes I'm gay" staple remover. Little froggy there, on some grass and flowers. Awwww.
Looks alot like the snake from "Kung Fu Panda."
Alligator staple remover. I hear for a dollar extra you can get a real alligator head. (And by "I heard" I mean, I'm lying.)
Lobster claw staple remover. Makes sense.
Duck staple remover, with a storage compartment for more staples in it's stomach. Note: don't try this with a real duck, it will get you ticketed and banned from the duck pond at your local park.
And then of course there are those nifty staple removers designed by Jac Zaggory. Choose from eight different animals: Lion, Dragon, Shark, Snake, Gator, Eagle, Bear, and T-Rex. See ‘em all below and order yours HERE for $55.

Sources: Sorry, lost my sources. If one of these is your photo, let me know.


  1. I love the Duck staple remover, its very cute. Thanks for sharing very unique kind of things.

  2. Amazing nice collection of staple remover. I like all the removers. When kids see it they will so happy. Thanks to this post.
