
Moron Shoots Friend Wearing Bullet Proof Vest - Video

Don't try this at home! Obviously. Also, note, there is some language, so NSFW without headphones.


  1. that's gonna leave a mark

  2. What a bunch of idiots.

  3. And God help us, these buttheads are the future of our country. Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest.

  4. Couldn`t find a real dummy (manequin)?

  5. I think it may be a fake. Watch the gun very carefully. Even the best 9mm has some recoil. Not to mention, he takes the shot pretty well. Most people would hit the ground.

  6. How does it feel to be this stupid?

  7. It's idiots like this that are the reason the antigun crowd is going to get our guns taken away. I hope Hillary or the Brady Bunch don't see this video.But,I do hope that You-Tube does the right thing and turns this video over to the authorities. These idiots need to be stopped now before they make the evening news.

  8. Remember boys, always take dead aim!

  9. Stupid YES. Illegal? I do not think so. What would the authorities do besides violate there rights? (even morons have rights) they endangered no one else but themselves and they were all consenting. LET them wipe themselves from the gene pool please. But even still. I do not think it was illegal what they did. Stupid yes most definitely.

  10. Looks real to me. you have to remember how small
    a 9mm is it's also is hitting the vest.
    You can be shot many times with a standard lead
    non-hollow point bullet and survive as long as your not hit in the liver, heart, head or spine.

    Please not i'm not recommending someone test this just take it as a fact.. from an ex-emergency room tech.

  11. not fake . i shot a hk usp 9 with acci blazer and you will not see recoil on single shot. but what a moron to shoot his friend next to his heart , the blunt force trauma couldve killed him as it looks like by the crater in his chest it was a level 2 vest -----and yet we have another great reason for forced sterilization in this country

  12. you can see the recoil before the sound of the shot looks real to me but very very stupid

  13. The action slides back on the pistol. This is a real shot. I've shot people with 5.56 NATO and they don't always go down.

    Very stupid.
