
The Hover Hand

What is a hover hand? It is a phenomenon that occurs when some nerds have their pictures taken with a woman. For some reason they feel uncomfortable touching a woman, so their hand hovers about an inch from their bodies. Fascinating. I even found a website dedicated to the hover hand.
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  1. Some of these hover handers are just being polite; they don't want to assume that they have permission to touch Summer Glau just because she agreed to take a photo with them. They're nice boys!

  2. Kurt,

    You could be right about that.

  3. I would touch the absolute hell out of summer glau given the chance.

  4. they're not "Nice" they're wussessss

  5. hahaha. of course if i take a photo of a beautiful girl and myself, i wanna suggest that i wasn't allowed to touch her... XD

  6. It's also possible that a number of these photos are simply pictures taken before the hand movement finished. If they were taken a 1/2 second later, no hovering hand.

  7. December 11, 2010 2:28 PM..... You'd totally hover hand it at the last moment.

  8. Oh come on who would pass up an opportunity to touch Summer Glau

    maybe they just can't believe it's Really Happening and she's sacred so they don't want to defile her with their man hands

  9. kurt, you are one of them this is the truth

  10. Yeah another reason guys keep their distance is simply because they are not interested in the girl and they dont want her or other people to think they are interested. A touch can imply a lot.

  11. The one with the guys in the blue suit and the girl in the pink dress actually wasnt hover hand it really was just taken too soon I know both the guy and the girl and trust me it was just taken too soon

  12. Interesting phenomenon indeed, the guy in the four most last picture has the worst case of hover hand I've ever seen!

  13. hah, i know the kid in the blue suit. that wasn't his date

  14. I would compleatly rulee out the fact that these are " nice" boys. the whole the pic was taken early thing is a possibility but highly doubtful. I belive these young men are just insecure and over not really comfortable with women yet. when they lose their virginity at whatever extremly high age I'm sure there hands will lose whatever flying ability they may possess...

  15. I'd say that some of these pics are taken too early. Some obviously not :--DD
